The Fog of War (2003)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Robert S. McNamara -
The Thin Blue Line (1988)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Randall Adams, David Harris, Dale Holt, Jackie Johnson, Gus Rose -
Gates of Heaven (1978)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Cal Harberts, Zella Graham -
Vernon, Florida (1981)
directed by Errol Morris
American Dharma (2018)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Steve Bannon -
The Unknown Known (2014)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Donald Rumsfeld -
A Brief History of Time (1992)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Stephen Hawking -
Standard Operating Procedure (2008)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Javal Davis, Ken Davis, Tony Diaz, Tim Dugan, Lynndie England -
The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman's Portrait Photography (2017)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Elsa Dorfman -
Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Dave Hoover, George Mendonca, Ray Mendez, Rodney Brooks -
Tabloid (2011)
directed by Errol Morris
featuring Joyce McKinney, Jackson Shaw, Peter Tory, Troy Williams, Kent Gavin, Jin Han Hong -