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Debussy: Nocturnes; Première Rhapsodie; Jeux; La Mer
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Tschaikowsky: Symphonie No. 6 "Pathetique"
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Bach: Cantatas, BWV 19, 20
Adalbert Kraus (tenor), Barbara Rondelli (soprano), Martha Kessler (alto), Siegmund Nimsgern (bass), Stuttgart Bach Collegium, Theo Altmeyer (tenor), Verena-Barbara Gohl (alto), Wolfgang Schone (bass), Frankfurter Kantorei (choir, chorus)
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And on Earth, Peace: A Chanticleer Mass
Chanticleer (choir, chorus)
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Resphighi: Ancient Airs and Dances; Trittico Botticelliano
Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, Jesús López-Cobos (conductor)
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Bejun: Songs and Arias of Handel, Schubert, Brahms, Britten
Bejun Mehta (soprano), David Shifrin (clarinet), Douglas Davis (cello), Janet Lakatos (viola), Janet Lakatos (violin), Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra Principals, Paul Herrera (harpsichord), Paul Shure (violin), Susan Ranney (bass)
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