Ockeghem: Missa Prolationum: 5 Motets (1995)
performed by The Clerks' Group
composed by Antoine Busnois, Jacob Obrecht, Johannes Ockeghem, Johannes Pullois, Josquin Des Prez -
Music from the Court of Burgundy
performed by Adam Knight Gilbert (recorder), Adam Knight Gilbert (shawm), Ciaramella, Debra Nagy (shawm), Doug Milliken (shawm), Doug Milliken (recorder), Rotem Gilbert (recorder), Rotem Gilbert (shawm)
composed by Adam Knight Gilbert, Alexander Agricola, Anonymous, Anonymous, French, Gilles Binchois, Guillaume Dufay, Heinrich Isaac, Johannes Ciconia, Johannes Ghiselin, Johannes Pullois, Josquin Des Prez, Magister Grimace, Pykini -